It appears the UK is once again on the up, as David Cameron flaunts the news that Britain’s employment rate has reached a joint highest level since 1971. The government has taken this as further evidence that the UK economy is not only still growing, it’s getting stronger too. It’s a sentiment that seems to be mirrored by the market; as the pound strengthens, wages are finally starting to outpace inflation and the standard of living in places outside of London has slowly begun to increase. Continue reading
Month: February 2015
1,000 years of doing the same thing
The stables of US industry that are General Electric and Ford seem almost ancient when compared to the young techno-hipster firms of Google and Facebook. However, in the land of the rising sun you’ll find firms that literally stride ages – existing on an entirely different time scale. Continue reading
The Three Ingredients for Business Success
Passion, freedom and impact are the main drivers that determine the success or failure, progress or regression of small business owners. Continue reading